Socially Responsible Investing

Socially Responsible Investing

The Catholic Charitable Foundation for the Roman Catholic Diocese of San Angelo is committed to following the Guidelines for Socially Responsible Investing put forth by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Our Board of Trustees is charged with reviewing our investment guidelines to ensure that our investments reflect our Catholic identity. For more information on the USCCB's Guidelines for Socially Responsible Investing, please visit this webpage: USCCB Socially Responsible Investment Guidelines.

Protecting Human Life

by excluding investment in companies whose activities involve abortion or contraception, embryonic stem cell or fetal tissue research, or human cloning.

Enhancing the Common Good

encouraging companies to report on social, environmental, as well as financial performance.

Saving Our Global Common Home

promoting shareholder resolutions that encourage ecological preservation, address poverty in the poorest nations, create environmentally sensitive technologies, and pursue related aims.

Promoting Human Dignity

by promoting shareholder resolutions that protect human rights, divesting of companies involved in racial or gender discrimination, supporting access to life-sustaining drugs among poorer populations, and excluding purveyors of pornography.

Pursuing Economic Justice

by promoting shareholder resolutions directed towards avoiding use of sweatshops in manufacturing, and refraining depositing funds in banks that receive less than a “satisfactory” rating under the Community Reinvestment Act.
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